Thursday, May 04, 2006

Under My Bed*

Under My Bed

It's another one of those letters.
You know the kind.
The kind that has your name
On the envelope...
But will never be opened by your hands.
It's another one of those letters.
The kind I tell myself I'll deliver...
But they never make it to your mailbox.
It's another one of those letters.
The kind that all my emotions sneak into...
But will never pass under your eyes.
And it's another one of those letters.
The kind that always end up
In that box, under that bed,
Strewn among all the other letters
That I SWEAR I'll deliver
That I PROMISE I'll put a stamp on
And mail out.
But those letters all end up
In the same place...
Locked away forever
In the box
Under my bed.

*Poem reprinted with permission (and courtesy) of Jenna.


Blogger Summer Ryan Doyle said...

Fantastic work, Jenna! It's gutsy to put yourself out there and be honest about your emotions. But it's even more brave to share that with your dad and a world of strangers! Beautiful poem.

10:46 PM, May 04, 2006  

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