Time: 7:44PM
Place: Victor's House
Event: Playing D&D
Jenna sent me the following text message:
Just saw a trailer for speed racer and thought a table of 40 year old men playing pretendies would wanna know. know where I could find one? :P
She meant this as a compliment, right? RIGHT?
Jeez...where does she get this sarcastic streak?
So, in honor and mockery of said geekiness I present the end-all-be-all of magnificent sarcasm in the form of Triumph, the Comic Insult Dog as he confronts the Star Wars geeks!
PS: The trailer for "Speed Racer" does look pretty friggin' cool.
Ok...that was uncomfortable. That dragon master dude... way over the top.
(((shudder))) I feel like nerds are crawling all over me now. I'm all itchy.
Thank God those uber geeks don't get too much sex--prevents them from passing on their compromised gene pool.
Triumph is one quick dog.
So let's see the trailer for Speedy.
Speed My brain just won't accept such Blasphemy! It's wrong I tell you! Wrong! And the fact that you said you think it looks friggin cool? Well, I just can't accept that either. Them's fightin words, is what they are mister.
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